Sunday, June 4, 2023

Our Powers


"Learning too soon our limitations, we never learn our powers."
Mignon Mclaughlin

As I share today's breathtaking sunset photograph, the warm embrace of the sun's rays illuminates a profound truth: Fixating on limitations stifles the exploration and cultivation of our inherent strengths and boundless abilities. 

But why settle for such confinement? Isn't it far wiser to embark on a courageous journey of self-discovery, tenderly nurturing the extraordinary powers and untapped potential that reside within?

Mignon McLaughlin's poignant words invite us to approach life with an open heart: Surpass the boundaries of what we once deemed possible. Transcend the limitations. And perhaps awaken dormant capabilities slumbering within.

Your magnificent growth awaits! With curiosity, seek knowledge, adapt with resilience to new circumstances, and expand the sacred horizons of life. Can we  heed the call of our innate potential and set forth on a journey that knows no bounds?

Why not unleash the untamed brilliance of our true potential? Why not, indeed?

With an abundance of aloha, 
@mscator ☀️

♥ My Society6 Art Gallery \(‾◡◝ )/  

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