Monday, December 16, 2019

Change One Thing And Everything Will Change

Daily Sunrise: Change One Thing

"If you can change one thing--
everything will change."
George A. Romero 

American filmmaker George A. Romero (1940-2017) specialized in the zombie apocalypse with his iconic film, Night of the Living Dead (1968). 

Who better to be inspired by Today's Quote and Today's Sunrise about change? If you saw the flick, you know the zombies just wanted to live and the humans did not want to die. 

Whether zombie or human, one change, even a small change, would have affected everything, in the film and in life.

What Would You Change?
As this video shows, there are some things you can't change--like your height or your eye color. But we know that true power is within and there are bad habits we can change.

4 Ways to Change A Small Habit
  1. Choose your small habit to change.
  2. Come up with a plan: How, when, where to make this change?
  3. Stay focused on your goal.
  4. Celebrate after you've made the change!
My Change? Eat Less Sugar
I have a sweet tooth and have been trying to eat less sugar. I finally committed to the change.
First, I thought about it and realized I'm sugar vulnerable at 3 or 4 in the afternoon. 
Second, knowing this, whether at work or at home, I removed all sugar temptations. 
Third, the plan was not easy at first, but I tried to focus on the goal. Don't give up. Research shows it takes anywhere from 18-254 days to change a habit, but the average is 66 days.
Finally, after about a month, I zapped the daily sugar habit. Hallelujah! Now I choose when to enjoy a brownie. And somehow, when I do eat a brownie, it tastes even better than before!

Today's Lesson -- Change One Thing And You Change EverythingI can make a change with awareness, time, and commitment. When one thing changes,  everything changes. And the next change will be easier.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Death Will Tremble

Asheville, North Carolina

"We are here to laugh at the odds
and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us." 
Charles Bukowski

Inspiration and freezing joy: I had an idea to take a selfie with the bright light, cresting with me... 

Me and My Sunrise

 My Society6 Art Gallery \(‾◡◝ )/