Tuesday, February 16, 2016


"Never spend time with people who don’t respect you."
~ Maori Proverb

The wind and rain last night were fierce and kept me awake. I listened to the trees sway with vigorous ardor and worried one could become a projectile in the gusts of gusto. The new day is calm and beautiful now. 

Saturday, February 6, 2016

A New Me

"I wake up every morning 
and I surprise myself. 
I wake up to a new me."
~ Gina Carano

We had an Homeowners meeting this morning on the ridge, so I dashed to the store to buy a welcome gift and missed the sunrise. But on my drive home, I was mesmerized by the clouds and pulled over and caught this shot of Biltmore Lake. That is Mount Pisgah in the distance.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Something Awesome

"There was something awesome 
in the thought of the solitary mortal 
standing by the open window 
and summoning in from the gloom outside 
the spirits of the nether world."
~ Arthur Conan Doyle